We service the state of Texas in Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston Metro Areas

Barefoot Mosquito & Pest Control FAQ’s

How experienced is your staff?

Our staff is highly experienced in the field of pest control. We have over 75 years of combined experience in this industry.

What certifications do your Technicians have?

Our technicians are all licensed and bonded, which demonstrates their competence and trustworthiness in providing pest control services. Additionally, we have board-certified entomologists among our staff, further underscoring our commitment to professional excellence and expertise.

Do you have any physical locations?

Yes, we have physical locations in all of our areas of operation. We have been in business in Texas for 12 years, and we have brick and mortar buildings accessible to our customers.

Do you offer any guarantees on your services?

Most of our services come with a guarantee. If there’s an issue, we’ll come back and fix it. We’re committed to ensuring customer satisfaction with our pest control services.

What kinds of pesticides do you use?

We use high grade pesticides that are resilient to sun, water, and varying seasons. These pesticides last longer in the sun, do not break down from water, and are designed to target specific pests. Moreover, our products feature plant-based essential oils and eco-safe pesticides, ensuring harmony with nature.

Will your treatment affect the other animals around my home?

Our treatment is specifically targeted towards certain pests and won’t harm pollinators or other non-target species if they come into contact with what we spray. We prioritize the use of eco-safe pesticides and plant-based essential oils, ensuring our methods align with a respect for nature and biodiversity.

How often do you retreat a home?

We pride ourselves on having the industry’s lowest retreat rate among pest control companies, with less than 5% of homes needing a retreat. This underscores our effectiveness and commitment to providing efficient service to our customers.

Mosquito Service FAQ’s

Is your product safe?

It is impossible to eliminate all risks inherently associated with the use of pesticides. Our products are applied in accordance with EPA guidelines and by licensed technicians according to the safety standards put forth by the product label. With an emphasis on natural ingredients, less than 0.5% of the solution is a pesticide called a synthetic pyrethroid.

Is your product safe for bees and other pollinating insects?

Fortunately, Barefoot Mosquito & Pest Control is very concerned with bee mortality. We too are concerned about bees and other pollinating insects and we developed our service with an aim to preserve these beneficials. As a local Texas company, we harnessed decades of pest control experience and we are proud to have developed a more responsible method that reduces the risk.

Bee population decline due to Colony Collapse Disorder has been a hot topic since the early 2000’s. It is a phenomenon whereby worker bees disappear and leave the queen alone with a few nurse bees to care for the young. It was responsible for roughly 60% of bee losses in 2008 at the peak of the disorder, but fortunately CCD has declined to approximately 30% of reported losses in 2013. While the losses due to CCD are declining, there has been rampant speculation about the reason for this mystery. Possible causes include: infections with Varroa and Acarapis mites; malnutrition; various pathogens; genetic factors; immunodeficiencies; loss of habitat; changing beekeeping practices; or a combination of factors. A large amount of speculation has surrounded a family of pesticides called neonicotinoids as having caused CCD.

With over 20 years in the pest control industry, we understood the potential harmful effects of neonicotinoids on bee populations and have never used this class of pesticides in our mosquito solution for precisely that reason. We also train all of our technicians in how to reduce pesticide exposure to bees.

Our company is concerned about local bee populations and we work with local beekeepers to monitor possible pesticide effects. As a pest control company, when bees invade someone’s home, we work to preserve the colony through live removal techniques.

In April, representatives from Barefoot Mosquito attended 2017 American Mosquito Control Association Conference in San Diego where the highly anticipated study (funded by the EPA, in conjunction with the US Department of Agriculture Bee Breeding, Genetics, and Physiology Research Laboratory, and the LSU Ag Center) was presented by Kristin Healy regarding the field trials of mosquito control treatments using pesticides and bee mortality. Here are the definitive conclusions:

“Mosquito control products use extremely small doses that target mosquitos, and the chemicals break down within hours. Mosquitos are 100 times more susceptible to these pesticides than bees are.”

“This is the highest possible label rate that mosquito control would ever use out of a truck, and we didn’t see any bee mortality, even at 50 feet”. Healy said.

“The third stage included field tests. Local beekeepers volunteered, half of them with hives in areas of frequent mosquito treatment, with the other half in areas without control. Scientists found no differences in the mortality rates of bees in both groups. “These pesticide concentrations used out in the field are not high enough to kill bees”, Healy said.

“Researchers also measured stress by analyzing indicator enzymes from the field-test bees. They found no difference in stress between the two groups.”

The conclusion of the study is that mosquito pesticides do not cause honeybee mortality.


While it is true that our products could potentially kill bees, it is now proven that mosquito pesticides are not dosed high enough to cause bee population decline in field tests. The irony is that the most dangerous creature on the planet is… Mosquitos by a wide, wide margin. There were 750,000 human deaths due to mosquito-borne illnesses worldwide last year alone. Fortunately we can keep the bees, while ridding people’s homes of mosquitos. The health risks mosquitos pose to human beings are real, proven, and deadly right here in Texas.

Is there an odor associated with your products?

There is a slight odor that the natural oils emit that is noticeable to homeowners for a few hours after the service is performed. The smell quickly dissipates to our human senses, but remains present for up to 21 days.

What results can I expect from your mosquito control service?

Although 100% eradication of mosquitos isn’t possible, there are proven scientific methods which can drastically reduce mosquito presence and make one’s property comfortable and livable again.

We aim to give customers realistic expectations at the time of service, based on the challenges we observe on a particular property. As a general rule, by the third treatment, we expect customers to enjoy up to a 95% reduction in mosquito activity. The three weeks following the service are the most effective and in the days following, sporadic mosquito sightings may occur until reapplication.

Is your service guaranteed?

Yes, it does require 3 consecutive services to crack the hatching cycle of mosquitos and create an optimal mosquito-free environment for our customers. Once this has been accomplished, we fully guarantee our service from the third service forward. While on a continual service, if mosquitos reinfest the property within 7 days of a paid service, we will come and provide a booster service at no additional charge, provided that the customer balance is current, and all necessary conducive conditions have been resolved.

How long after you treat should I wait to resume outdoor activities?

The product label states that residents can re-enter the serviced premises after the product has dried. Because the Barefoot Mosquito Control System utilizes a power mist, not a spray, it dries very quickly, allowing you to enjoy mosquito-free living in as little as 10-15 minutes after our technician drives away.

If all my neighbors have mosquitos, how will that influence the effectiveness of my service?

One of the best features of our unique barrier treatment is its ability to isolate a property effectively. Rarely, certain elevated conducive conditions on neighboring properties can interfere with our effectiveness, such as an untreated swimming pool, or a yard replete with open water containers. If those conditions can not be remedied, we will recommend delaying the commencement of service.

How often do you treat?

The primary goal of the Barefoot Mosquito Control System is to eradicate as many adult mosquitos and to disrupt the life cycle of the eggs, pupae, and larvae on the property. This is typically accomplished fully in the first three services which are scheduled approximately 21 days apart.

When is the best time to treat for mosquitos?

Our mosquito control program begins in April and continues through November for Austin. Houston experiences year round mosquito populations, so Houstonians typically request continual services throughout the year. If you experience mosquitos outside of the specified months for your area, please contact our office to extend your service months.

For customers that experience a break in service for two months or longer, the very first service every spring is extremely important as it prevents mosquitos from establishing a presence on a property each year. This singular service acts as a foundational catalyst that enhances the mosquito population reduction dramatically throughout the remainder of the year

Although mosquitos are active most during the times surrounding dawn and dusk, we are able to achieve remarkable results servicing throughout the day mainly due to the stationary target that mosquitos provide while resting in harborage areas.

Does this cover any other pests other than mosquitos?

We treat a wide range of household and commercial pests. We offer enticing discounts when service packages are combined. Simply inquire to receive your discounted quote for mosquito and pest services.

General Mosquitos FAQ’s

To what and to whom are mosquitos attracted?

Mosquitos detect their host using three primary senses:

Sight: Mosquitos see movement of their host
Infrared: Mosquitos can detect body heat
Chemical Signals: Mosquitos can detect traces of carbon monoxide and lactic acid up to 100ft away

There are many theories surrounding why certain people tend to attract mosquitos (some are pretty outlandish), however, verified testing in a controlled setting has given us the following conclusions:

  • Mosquitos are attracted to Carbon Dioxide and lactic acid. Therefore larger individuals who emit greater amounts of CO2 are more susceptible to mosquitos. Movement and activity also contribute to greater attraction as an individual is more likely to generate higher quantities of CO2 and lactic acid.
  • The color of one’s clothing is also a contributing factor that determines mosquito attraction. Lighter colored clothing attracts fewer mosquitos than dark clothing in recent studies.
  • Mosquitos are also attracted to foot odor and sweat.

Why are there so many mosquitos in Texas?

The simple answer to this question is that mosquitos are here for the same reason we human beings love living in Texas. Our lush landscape is dotted with large trees (shade) amongst the rolling hills with lakes and rivers cutting through central and coastal Texas provide a perfect breeding ground for mosquitos. Combine the fact that certain imported, invasive species such as Aedes Albopictus and Aedes Egyptus have infiltrated our areas and are thriving.  If you feel like there are more mosquitos now in Texas than you remember 20 years ago, you’re probably right.

How far can mosquitos travel?

There are certain species of mosquitos that can travel up to 35 miles for blood meal. However, the primary nuisance species in Texas, the Asian Tiger Mosquito usually migrates less than 300ft. Although the Asian Tiger Mosquito is quite lazy, it presents a challenge in that it feeds not only at dawn or dusk, but also throughout the daytime also.

Do all mosquitos transmit serious diseases?

Fortunately, less than 2% of all mosquito species are capable of carrying and transmitting West Nile Virus. The Southern House Mosquito in Texas is the mosquito primarily responsible for local infections. Eastern Equine Encephalitis is spread by the species Culiseta Melanura (common name: Black Swamp Mosquito) which frequent woody marshlands. Dog/cat Heartworm is transmitted through multiple species of mosquitos, but can be sufficiently prevented with medication.

How does the weather affect mosquito activity?

Since mosquitos need water to breed and survive, climates with regular rainfall, high summer temperatures, and high humidity ensure mosquito activity. Once temperatures dip below 50 degrees for a week or more, mosquitos will discontinue breeding and the overall population begins to decline. Since mosquitos are not strong flyers, moderate to high wind areas will significantly reduce mosquito activity.

Why does my property seem to have more mosquitos than my neighbors?

Mosquitos are attracted to increased moisture, shade, and the protection of trees, bushes, and shrubs. Common reasons we see for high mosquito activity is overwatering of grass and plants, thick bushes and overgrown plants, and any standing water on the property.

The surrounding environment also plays a very significant role in localized mosquito activity. Homes that back on to nature preserves, and/or are in close proximity to bodies of fresh water will no doubt be challenged by mosquitos.

Disease FAQ’s


More than just an annoyance, mosquitos are responsible for more deaths to humans than any other living organism worldwide. Mosquitos are also responsible for the transmission of fatal and serious diseases to domestic pets and livestock.

West Nile Virus

West Nile Virus was first reported in Africa in 1938 and eventually spread to Europe, the middle-east, Asia, then ultimately to the United States in 1999. In that year, only 62 cases were reported primarily in the northeast. However, by 2012, the number of human cases escalated to 5674 and has spread to almost every state. Also in 2012, Texas was responsible for over half of all reported cases in the United States. The mortality rate has remained consistent over the past decade with approximately 5% of cases resulting in death.

West Nile virus is transmitted from birds to mosquitos to humans, pets, and livestock.

Infections generally have three gradations of seriousness.

West Nile Fever is the least serious form of the disease. Symptoms generally include fever, headach, headache and body aches, and/or rash—very similar to the flu. This might last a few days or several weeks. Almost 2/3 of those infected report symptoms that remain over a month. Average symptoms last approximately two months.

West Nile encephalitis is a very serious disease that attacks the brain. It is also classified as a neuroinvasive disease which affects the nervous system. This is a much more serious type of infection, but fortunately develops in only 15-20% of all WNV cases.

West Nile meningitis (meningoencephalitis) is the inflammation of the brain and surrounding membrane. Similar to West Nile encephalitis, West Nile meningitis is also a neuroinvasive disease, it is often the most serious form of WNV, carrying the highest mortality rate (approximately 10%)

Recovery from infections of West Nile Virus can be painfully slow and many patients report permanent symptoms, such as muscle weakness and brain damage, which prevent them from regaining full health.

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)

Considered the most virulent abrovirus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis is transmitted to humans and horses by infected mosquitos. It is primarily found in freshwater swampland in the Atlantic and Gulf Coast in the Eastern and Southern United States.

Similar to West Nile Virus, EEE is spread from birds to mosquitos to humans. Once a human or larger animal has been infected, the transmission of the disease to other people or larger animals is no longer possible.

Thankfully, the majority of people who are bitten by an infected mosquito will not become symptomatic. However, for those serious cases of EEE infections, symptoms arise with the sudden onset of fever, sore throat, headache, chills, and nausea. In the most severe cases, disorientation, seizures, inflammation of the brain, and coma may occur. The most disturbing statistic regarding EEE is that approximately 33% of people who develop EEE perish, while survivors typically suffer mild to severe brain damage. Many patients are admitted to institutional care for the remainder of their lives. While there is a vaccine for horses, a human vaccine is not currently available.


Chikungunya is a relatively new disease in the Americas. It spread from Asia and Africa to Caribbean nations in 2013 and then quickly spread to the United States in 2014. The symptoms are very similar to Dengue fever and is fortunately seldom fatal. Unfortunately, the symptoms of Chikungunya (meaning “Bending over in pain”) can be debilitating and extremely painful. Joint pain and fever are the primary symptoms, which also may include muscle pain swelling of joints, headache, nausea, and rash. And as much as 30% of cases, the pain can become chronic.

The greatest concern regarding Chikungunya is the rapid transmissibility of the virus. West Nile and Eastern Equine Encephalitis spread slowly, as these viruses cannot be transmitted human to human. However, if a mosquito bites a person infected with Chikungunya, the virus can then be transmitted to other humans it subsequently bites. This is why in just 12 short months, Chikungunya has infected over one million people in the Americas, killing 155.

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine and no antiviral medication to combat Chikungunya, only pain killers to help patients manage the pain. And it is now here in Texas, with its first reported cases occurring in the summer of 2014. As mosquito populations continue to grow in Texas, the introduction of Chikungunya virus to our state could lead to serious outbreaks in the near future.

Dog/Cat/Mammal Heartworm

Heartworm affects dogs, cats, ferrets, and other mammals, but only in rare circumstances does it transmit to humans. Heartworm can only be transmitted by an infected mosquito to a host animal. The prevalence of heartworm disease in pets is due to fact that pets themselves become carriers of heartworm and, when bitten by a mosquito, spread the disease.

Symptoms of heartworm in dogs can include a light persistent cough, lethargy, labored breathing after light to moderate activity, appetite loss, and weight loss. Signs of more serious infections include a swollen belly, heart failure, and heart collapse. Canines with large numbers of heartworms require surgery and, unfortunately, very few survive.

Symptoms of heartworm in cats are similar to that of dogs, but may also include vomiting, and breathing difficulties, similar to asthma. Sometimes, cats may faint and experience seizures. Unlike symptoms that present with dogs, cats’ first symptoms of heartworm are severe and indicate serious progression of the disease, leading to a much higher mortality rate amongst felines.

The good news with heartworm is that it is preventable. Heartworm medication administered monthly will prevent the onset of the disease. Pet owners are also advised to have their pets tested annually to catch the disease in its earliest stages. If a pet tests positive for heartworm, there are treatments available, but serious complications and mortality rates increase the longer the pet remains undiagnosed.

Zika Virus

The Zika virus, while not new, is a close relative to the chikungunya and dengue viruses. The origin of this virus is from Africa, however, in addition to the African strain, there is also an Asian strain of the virus. It is believed to be the Asian strain that is now reaching pandemic levels in the Americas.

The Aedes mosquito is primarily responsible for the transmission of Zika.

Approximately 1 in 5 individuals that contract the Zika virus will become symptomatic. Zika symptoms include fever, body aches, conjunctivitis, headache, and joint pain. Fortunately for the infected, the virus rarely results in death and symptoms usually disappear within 10 days.

Of greatest concern is that the Zika virus does cross the placenta and can result in mother to child infections. Recent surges in a severe form of microcephaly in Brazil have been linked to the Zika virus, but at this time, it is still not clearly understood. Microcephalic children born are prone to cognitive disorders and have a greater susceptibility to death.

The Zika virus is also present in bodily fluids and can be transmitted through sexual contact. One such case has occurred in Texas in January 2016, where an individual returned from an infected country in South America and transmitted the virus to a sexual partner.

There has been one reported case of native Zika transmission in Texas in November 2016. Fortunately for now, it seems to be an isolated case.

The current concern here in Texas is the probability local Zika transmission due to the high population of Aedes mosquitos that currently reside in the state. Worldwide, Aedes mosquitos are shown below and represent the areas with the highest risk of hosting the Zika virus.