We service Pest Control in the broader Austin, Houston, Dallas and San Antonio areas

Bed Bug Control

Effective, affordable treatments.

4.9 Star Reviews

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Bed Bug Control Services

Need to get rid of bed bug’s in your home or business? Barefoot Mosquito & Pest Control offers targeted, effective scorpion control in San Antonio, Austin, and Houston. We identify the source of the problem and use methods that minimize pesticide use.

Need to get rid of bed bug’s in your home or business? Barefoot Mosquito & Pest Control offers targeted, effective scorpion control in San Antonio, Austin, and Houston. We identify the source of the problem and use methods that minimize pesticide use.

The Barefoot method

The degree of bed bug infestation will determine the most effective approach. A thorough inspection and analysis will help inform the decision about how best to proceed.

Population Reduction

Our bed bug reduction services decrease bed bug numbers with each application, killing a significant portion of mosquitoes on the property.

Full Yard Protection

Our proprietary method adds a unique barrier that other companies don’t offer, preventing bed bugs from neighbouring properties from invading our customers’ yards.

Habitat Elimination

Our trained technicians identify and communicate areas contributing to mosquito infestations, often addressing them without additional pesticides.


We use biological sterilization pellets to prevent mosquito reproduction in your yard, safe for pets and aquatic areas with fish.

What our customers are saying...

Savage Paco
Savage Paco
Joe was professional, puntual and informative! Did a great job!
Amy Bailey Williams
Amy Bailey Williams
Excellent service. Great heads up with a timeframe and mosquitos have decreased.
brandi sellers
brandi sellers
We have used Barefoot for years. They are reliable, professional, and their services work!
Eric Lawrence
Eric Lawrence
Nathan has done a great job to help control the mosquitoes in our tangled yard that backs up to a creek. He asks good questions about details of the yard and our experience with previous treatments. He uses that info to tailor the mix he uses and how he applies it, which we really appreciate. Very pleased with his work.
Matthew Wise
Matthew Wise
Great service and attention to detail from them.
Annie Graye
Annie Graye
Quick to get scheduled and easy to work with. Alex is a great technician and very kind and professional. Thanks!
Joe Ciccarello
Joe Ciccarello
Great communication and timely, thanks!
Andy Roach
Andy Roach
They are great. Jordan is wonderful to work with!
Roland Quick
Roland Quick
Alex was very knowledgeable of our pest problem and helped us come up with a plan to rid us of pests
Donna Sauve
Donna Sauve
Roland and Associate did an excellent job. Very thorough and explained process well. I’m very pleased.

Our 60-Day warranty

Bed bugs are typically introduced to homes from external sources and do not originate from outdoor areas like other pests. Therefore, our warranty specifically covers the extermination of the current infestation. It’s important to note that if a homeowner revisits the same hotel or location where the infestation originated, they may inadvertently reintroduce new bed bugs into their home after the initial treatment has been completed.

We offer a 60-day warranty that includes a complimentary return visit for additional bed bug treatments in the infested area at no extra charge.

Bed bugs are typically introduced to homes from external sources and do not originate from outdoor areas like other pests. Therefore, our warranty specifically covers the extermination of the current infestation. It’s important to note that if a homeowner revisits the same hotel or location where the infestation originated, they may inadvertently reintroduce new bed bugs into their home after the initial treatment has been completed.

We offer a 60-day warranty that includes a complimentary return visit for additional bed bug treatments in the infested area at no extra charge.

How to tell if you have bed bugs...

Check for bed bug blood on sheets or droppings on your wall.

If you see either of these at your home, contact us right away.

Frequently asked questions

How experienced is your staff?

Our staff is highly experienced in the field of pest control, with over 75 years of combined experience in this industry.

What licensing do your technicians have?

All technicians are licensed through TDA. We hold licenses in pest control, termite management, and lawn care.

Do you have any physical locations?

Yes, we have locations in Austin, Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio.

Do you offer any guarantees on your services?

We offer a 100% guarantee on our Pest Control Services and a 7-day guarantee on our Mosquito Control.

What kinds of pesticides do you use?

Organic, plant-based pesticides from the pyrethroid family.

Will your treatment affect the other animals in my home?

We exclusively treat for insects or rodents.

Enjoy your home and garden, without the pests...

Our naturally superior pest solutions will protect your home and yard from dangerous and annoying pests. Get started by requesting a quote today!