Many people are asking us about the current COVID-19 pandemic, if we’re still in operation, and how it’s affecting the way we take care of our clients.
It’s been established that pest control providers are classified as an essential service and can remain in operation. This is because pests are often a disease vector, and now more than ever, it’s important to prevent disease and minimize any extra strain on our medical systems that we can.
Of course, the safety and health of our clients and staff are our top priority, just as it has always been. Until the threat recedes, all Barefoot Mosquito technicians will maintain a 10 foot distance from any clients and will wear gloves and P100 respirators on any interior service.
We know this is a challenging and unprecedented time, and that the comfort and safety of your home is paramount. We are so grateful to our clients, and we hope to continue to take care of them all now and into the future.
Thank you,
The ENTIRE Barefoot Mosquito and Pest Control family